"Little Women, the musical" brings Louisa May Alcott's beloved tale to life, as Jo March and her sisters navigate love, loss, and dreams, while cherishing the bond that binds them together.
Based on the life of literary powerhouse, Louisa May Alcott, this soaring musical follows the adventures of the March sisters – Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy who are growing up in Civil War America. This timeless, captivating tale is brought to life with glorious songs filled with personal discovery, heartache, hope and everlasting love. LITTLE WOMEN has been praised by critics for its ambition in adapting such a well-known story for the stage. Bring the entire family and join us at the NorShor Theatre for Duluth’s favorite holiday tradition. This stunning, transcendent musical assures that “Christmas will exceed our finest dreams”.
Jump the line by securing your Duluth Playhouse Season Membership today! Single ticket sales will go on sale 07/12/24.